It’s ALL about Support

You can have the Best….

You can have the best Vending machine in the world, but it’s no good to you if its broken and support is weeks away!…



In fairness to the modern industrial vending machine they’re pretty robust and designed to work in the harshest environment, and most of their life they ticking away in the corner of the room saving you money day after day.

Until that day… that day when they remind you that you that you haven’t serviced them in a long time, called for a check up, got somebody out to make sure everything is running fine… Yes that day when your workers are not able to get the gloves they need to do their job and all work stops! Yes..That Day

This is where we at Safe Stock are Proactive….

Safe Stock have been working in the industrial vending world for a combined 45 years, and what we don’t know about maintenance is not worth knowing…

We have developed a range of support tools and packages that will fit all budgets. From a one off check up and advice of how best to prevent failure. A PAYG service where we come and service your machine, you pay for the labour and Parts required. All the way to our Gold Level service contract where for a small annual subscription your machine and parts are covered.

PC’s and Touchscreens are not covered under warranty….

Very few vending manufactures cover the touchscreen or PC under their machine warranty as they don’t make those parts, and will pass you back to Dell or whichever PC supplier to get support. We don’t think that’s right and we have a package that covers this for you. With our Tech+ Cover you can make sure the Touchscreen and PC are covered and if anything goes wrong with them they will be fixed or replaced with NEW, included within this is our remote support and monitoring tools to make sure we have your back

Only Safe Stock have tools…

We are the only Industrial Vending supplier to have a wide range of monitoring and support tools at our disposal. We have our own in-house built PC monitoring tool that gives us real-time information on the health of the PC within your machine and can prevent failure before it happens. Coupled together with our remote access tools we can access the vending machine, diagnose and in a lot of cases fix the machine before it stops

We didn’t get it from you..

“We didn’t buy our vending machine from Safe Stock…” No matter, we are the only independent vending support provider in the UK, we don’t favour one machine manufacture over another, or supplier over another. If you have a industrial vending machine and you want it serviced then drop us a line, we can help. Even if the machine has been provided by your tooling supplier, we can contact them and work with them to get you fully supported.

Award Winning….

Unlike other that call themselves “Best in Class”?? We can prove it, with not 1 but 2 awards in the last 18 Months based on our customers feedback and not just marketing spin… and we can prove this to you….

Drop us a line and see how we can help you

Posted in Corporate News